Just my thoughts man....whatever I was feeling at the time...

Monday, July 13, 2009

"Couples Retreat" movie trailer...

this movie is going to be maaaaad funny. can vince vaughn redeem himself? to me he hasnt had a good movie since wedding crashers but my expectations are high. anytime vince vaughn and jon favreau get together hilarity ensues. check out the trailer...

Shutter Island movie trailer, new Martin Scorsese flick

i peeped the trailer for this when i went to see Public Enemies last week. looks dope. leo doin his thing in a horror flick? + ben kingsley + scorsese = thumbs up


:gasp: sheesh! keep doin ya thang courtney... i am not mad at you...

Redman - Green Island (Throwback Track)

one of my fav songs of all time... classic redman... back when he was one of the best doing it. i miss the old redman... :(

Download Here

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Five Types of Women That All Men Hate

Interesting lil article i found on the internet. funny tho, ive met #1-5 at least once before...

1. Ms. “Stick In The Mud”
This woman never seems to have any fun … ever. Her idea of a good time is probably a quiet evening at home reading the encyclopedia while eating a Lean Cuisine. On top of that, she doesn’t know how to give or take a joke, since she takes herself way too seriously. Will you relax … please?

2. Ms. “No One Else”
Ms. “No One Else” wants all of your free time—every single second of it. As soon as the two of you get close, she stops talking to all of her friends and expects you to do the same. Some men may reluctantly agree, but that arrangement soon grows old.

3. Ms. “Something To Prove”
Ms. “Something To Prove” has always worked hard to show the world she was capable of doing anything she set her mind to. And while the entire male population applauds her strength, we get kind of tired of her reminding us about it throughout the entire date.

“I’ve got a good job.”
“I don’t need a man to do anything for me.”
“I’ve always been independent.”
“I’m going to write a book encouraging other women to be strong like me.”

Honestly, we’d rather listen to a Paula Abdul Greatest Hits album than to sit through an entire evening of that.

4. Ms. “Read My Mind”
For some reason, Ms. “Read My Mind” expects her man to know exactly what she’s thinking at all times. As a result, she constantly tests him, using his responses to gauge his level of love. This type of behavior should be avoided, as very few men are interested in dealing with the constant guessing games.

5. Ms. “Chatterbox”
Communication serves as the cornerstone for all serious relationships. However, some women overdo it a bit. The problem with Ms. “Chatterbox” is that she spends most of her time talking, and none of it listening. Before long, this type of woman grows even more annoying than that one drunk uncle who always tries to hit on your female friends.

Brock Lesnar vs. Frank Mir [Full UFC Championship Fight]

Brock wins in the 2nd.... ya'll think dude is still on them roids?

Friday, July 10, 2009

Pharoahe Monch - The Light (Throwback Track)

"...we kissin and we wrestlin...sexual confessions/ i never lack to pack prophylact', I learned my lesson/ first impression, to be discrete, use discretion/ back of the cab undressin...uh-huh"

yo i love this song right here. classic track for the ladies. yo what happened to dude? monch used to be real nice but i havent heard anything from him in awhile.

Download Link

Teacher Accidentally Gives 5th Graders Her Sex Tape!

hahahahahahaha talk about embarrassing...

The Game - I'm So Wavy(Jay-Z Dis) ~NEW ISH~

The Game goes in on Jay! damn...talkin bout beyonce and all that... but does game really wanna war with jigga? personally i think if jay responded for real he would eat game but there really isnt a point in even responding to this. i say let game make his lil dis records...if i was jay i'd be cool being worth half a billy with beyonce on the arm...

Download Here

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Where I wanna be... Auckland, New Zealand

Yo this is one of the most beautiful places in the world. Earlier in the year Forbes had it ranked #4 as the World's Best Places to Live I could see myself living here right here on the beach. Get me a boat and just chill. The city has two huge harbors and more yachts per capita than any other city in the world! This might be my dream spot for real. Whos down to move with me???